domingo, 1 de octubre de 2017


For people not from Spain, here is a little summary of how we got to the current situation: a portion of Catalan population (nowadays it is a region of Spain) wants to be independent from Spain, become a separate country. For years there has been an increasing tension between Spain and Catalonia, and an increasing number of citizens have been joining the independence movement. Today, a referendum with no legal validity, according to current Spanish constitution, was set by the Catalan government. The Spanish government has been issuing warnings about this referendum not being legal, according to the constitution from 1978. The Spanish government didn't have a problem modifying the Spanish constitution in 2011 to make external debt the priority of state payments. But modifying it so people can cast a vote is a no-no from central government. The other way around would be issuing a national referendum. I doubt the current politicians would make this happen , even less so get a positive result in the voting.

Anyway, we are at this point: Catalans wanted to vote if they remain in Spain or not, Spanish government did not want to let them take that vote, but they went ahead and decided to do it anyway. Today, October 1st 2017, was the day set for the voting.

In response to the polling, the Spanish government deployed more than 10.000 police officers, that were posted in the docks some days ago. Because that seems like an appropriate response to people casting votes, right? But you wouldn't take them so seriously in those boats, because Spain is a joke of a country.

"Let's see how do we explain to someone not used to Spain that there are 6000 police officers in Looney Tunes boats to stop a referendum."
"The new Looney Tunes movie will be "Police Academy" in collaboration with Spain."

The police is deployed and they have been using force all fucking day around:

Destroying public property. You can see them breaking the doors of a school, where students are supposed to go tomorrow.

Using force against peaceful people, hitting and throwing people away.

En el instituto Pau Claris, ahora. Mi hermana llora y yo con ella desde Madrid.
"In Pau Claris Highschool, now. My sister cries and  I cry with her from Madrid."

Taking away the urns with the ballots:

Do you want to know what is not illegal in Spain?? Being a fucking fascist and praise Franco, sing hymns from a regime that killed thousands. Look at the happy fascist troupe:

HORRIBLE. Madrid, 2017. 
Youth and seniors doing fascist salutes and happily singing "Facing the Sun" at Cibeles. 

But let's see what happens when Catalan people sing their songs:

And of course, the media is on the payroll of the political parties. Here we have a reporter from the national TV:
As a reporter from TVE I feel ashamed by the treatment that RTVE has given to the 1-O. Again, public television servicing the gorvernment #SOS
One case is this woman, who got her fingers broken one by one:

She had her fingers broken one by one and was thrown down the stairs. There still will be people justifying this. 
Transcript translation: "What did they do to you?" "They threw me down the stairs and among other aggressions they took the fingers in my hand and purposefully broke each finger one by one. They kicked me out." "[Something by the reporter I don't get]" "Yes, and show them how the stairs are"

The same woman again:

Audio from the girl that got her fingers broken and they groped her breasts.
Transcript translation: "Laura, listen well to this and tell everybody. I was defending elderly people, with my arms open, I wasn't doing anything else than defending elderly people because they had hit kids, they had hit elders, and they grabbed me, they threw me downstairs, they threw me stuff, they broke my fingers on purpose one by one, in the middle of the stairs, with mi clothes pulled up they groped my tits and laughed, and they hit me. All of this while everyone was recording. Tell, tell everyone, Laura, tell what they are doing. They broke my fingers one by one on purpose, that is plain evil, plain evil, plain evil..."

I have been discussing with a LOT of people during the day. And it surprises me the amount of people thinking that the problem is that the people broke the law. They don't see their own government using force against their own citizens at this scale as problematic. If it was the military and not the police doing this, we would have been suspended from the European Union already.

What is wrong with those people? Something being illegal does not mean that it is punishable, let alone a justification for police brutality. Settle the matter in the European Court, talk with the citizens, I don't fucking care, but this? How deep is your head in your butt to not see that this is a fucking huge problem?? How can you justify violence like this because people want to vote??

I don't consider myself Catalan or Spanish, I don't care what country I belong to, but this pieces of shit on the government have to go. And I am super fucking proud of how Catalans are fighting for their rights, our rights, today. They are amazing and brave. Keep up the fight!!